Edge Cases And The Long-Tail Grind Towards AI Autonomous Cars 

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider    Imagine that you are driving your car and come upon a dog that has suddenly darted into the roadway. Most of us have had this happen. You hopefully were able to take evasive action. Assuming that all went well, the pooch was fine and nobody in your car got hurt either. In a kind of Groundhog Day movie manner, let’s repeat the scenario, but we will make a small change. Are you …

Experiences in Smart City Challenges Such as in Columbus, Ohio, Sobering  

By AI Trends Staff   Four years ago, the first international AI City Challenge was conducted to spur the development of AI to support transportation infrastructure in a smarter way. Teams representing American companies or universities took the top spots.   Last year, Chinese companies took the top three out of four competitions, and in June, Chinese tech companies Alibaba and Baidu swept the AI City Challenge, beating competitors from some 40 nations.   The results were a …

Securing Digital Identities with Help of AI New Path After Pandemic of 2020  

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Organizations are looking to secure their data and identities with the help of AI,  as business models move online and increased cybercrime follows.    The new era of identity authentication incorporates AI and biometrics in more sophisticated systems that make it more difficult for cybercriminals. Biometric data such as fingerprints help prevent identity theft, since criminals would not be able to gain access to information by only providing credentials.     …

AI in Healthcare: Lessons Learned From Moffitt Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic  

Until recently, Ross Mitchell served as the inaugural AI Officer at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Now he’s offering consulting expertise borne of a long career applying AI to healthcare and health systems.  Mitchell’s experience dates back to his undergraduate days. While pursuing his degree in computer science in Canada, he had a co-op work term at the local cancer center. “That was just a fluke how that placement worked out, but it got me …

Sentiment Analysis Tools Well-Timed in a Low-Empathy Era 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  People in the US are suffering from an empathy deficit, one researcher suggests.    Children who spend much of their time plugged into self-focused media are less likely to learn how to read emotional cues associated with face-to-face communication, suggests Dr. Michele Borba, an educational psychologist and author of “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World.    Her research shows a 40% drop in empathy among college freshmen over the past …

Getting Ready For The Full-Blown Autonomous Vehicular Cloud  

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider    Any farmer will tell you that sometimes a planted seed takes a while to grow. In the field of autonomous vehicles (AVs), there has been ongoing talk about the advent of the vehicular cloud. Someday, mark my words, the vehicular cloud will be a mighty redwood tree, and we’ll likely look back at the amazing aspect that it all began in such modest ways.    Let’s take a deep dive …

AI in Employee Training Can Help with Predicted Post-Pandemic Turnover 

By AI Trends Staff  Dramatic employee turnover is being predicted in the post-pandemic era, at the same time that AI is being incorporated into more learning and development solutions, giving employers an opportunity to establish a competitive differentiation.   An employee turnover “tsunami” is predicted by results from a survey of 2,000 adults in February conducted by The Work Institute, a research and consulting firm in Franklin, Tenn., according to an account from SHRM, the Society of Human Resource Management.  …

Fastly Outage Holds Lessons for CDNs and Website Resiliency  

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   On the morning of Tuesday, June 8, many websites went down after an outage at the cloud service firm Fastly, a content data network (CDN) provider.   Sites affected included Amazon, Hulu, The New York Times, CNN, the Guardian, Bloomberg News, The Financial Times and the Verge. Also affected were the Reddit, Pinterest and Twitch platforms.    In a post on the Fastly blog on the day of the outage, Nick Rockwell, …

Drive AI into Pharma by Asking the Right Questions, Suggest DECODE Speakers 

By Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, AI Trends    At last week’s DECODE: AI for Pharmaceuticals forum, pharma leaders discussed the cultural challenges of AI in pharma and what steps their institutions are taking to better incorporate AI in the enterprise.    Editor’s Note: Learn more about the DECODE event, read an interview with Dominie Roberts, Cambridge Innovation Institute Senior Event Director, and Emma Huang, Senior Director of Data Sciences External Innovation at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, and a member …

Entrenched Data Culture Can Pose Challenge to New AI Systems 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  Companies established for a long time—decades or even a century or more old—with thousands of employees in many business units globally, with information systems built over many years on multiple platforms, have entrenched data cultures that may pose challenges for implementing AI systems.   Data culture refers to the expectation that data will be used to make decisions and optimize the business, making a company data-driven. A data-driven company can be rolling along …
