Novelty In The Game Of Go Provides Bright Insights For AI And Autonomous Vehicles 

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider   We already expect that humans to exhibit flashes of brilliance. It might not happen all the time, but the act itself is welcomed and not altogether disturbing when it occurs.    What about when Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to display an act of novelty? Any such instance is bound to get our attention; questions arise right away.    How did the AI come up with the apparent out-of-the-blue insight or novel indication? Was it …

Predictive Maintenance Proving Out as Successful AI Use Case 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   More companies are successfully exploiting predictive maintenance systems that combine AI and IoT sensors to collect data that anticipates breakdowns and recommends preventive action before break or machines fail, in a demonstration of an AI use case with proven value.   This growth is reflected in optimistic market forecasts. The predictive maintenance market is sized at $6.9 billion today and is projected to grow to $28.2 billion by 2026, …

Promise and Perils of Using AI for Hiring: Guard Against Data Bias 

By AI Trends Staff   While AI in hiring is now widely used for writing job descriptions, screening candidates, and automating interviews, it poses a risk of wide discrimination if not implemented carefully.  Keith Sonderling, Commissioner, US Equal Opportunity Commission That was the message from Keith Sonderling, Commissioner with the US Equal Opportunity Commision, speaking at the AI World Government event held live and virtually in Alexandria, Va., last week. Sonderling is responsible for enforcing federal laws that prohibit …

Advance Trustworthy AI and ML, and Identify Best Practices for Scaling AI 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Advancing trustworthy AI and machine learning to mitigate agency risk is a priority for the US Department of Energy (DOE), and identifying best practices for implementing AI at scale is a priority for the US General Services Administration (GSA).   That’s what attendees learned in two sessions at the AI World Government live and virtual event held in Alexandria, Va. last week.    Pamela Isom, Director of the AI and Technology Office, …

Best Practices for Building the AI Development Platform in Government 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  The AI stack defined by Carnegie Mellon University is fundamental to the approach being taken by the US Army for its AI development platform efforts, according to Isaac Faber, Chief Data Scientist at the US Army AI Integration Center, speaking at the AI World Government event held in-person and virtually from Alexandria, Va., last week.   Isaac Faber, Chief Data Scientist, US Army AI Integration Center “If we want to move …

Why AI Autonomous Cars Aren’t Yet Paying Attention To Honking Horns   

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider  Horn honking. We’ve all done it; some more so than others. It used to be that honking a car horn was quite customary and an expected element in the act of driving.  Indeed, when I first learned to drive, the driver training class included a brief segment devoted to the use of the car horn. For example, we began by employing the horn in a delicate fashion, such as lightly tapping …

Robot Umpires Invade Baseball; AI That Makes Mistakes on Purpose Could Help 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor    Robot umpires are being employed in minor league baseball as an experiment, while a study of strike zones of major league umpires shows a fairly wide variation.  The Automated Ball-Strike System, which players like to call “robo-umpire,” is being tested in minor league baseball this season, according to an account in The New Yorker .  Major League Baseball had designed the system and was testing it in eight of nine …

UN Human Rights Commission Calls for Moratorium on Sale of AI Tech 

By AI Trends Staff  The United National Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner this week called for a moratorium on the sale and use of AI technology that poses human rights risks—including the use of facial recognition software—until adequate safeguards are in place.   Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights “Artificial intelligence can be a force for good, helping societies overcome some of the great challenges of our times. But AI technologies can …

Executive Interview: Dr. Matt Gaston, CMU Software Engineering Institute  

Defining the AI Engineering Discipline  Dr. Matt Gaston, director, SEI’s AI engineering division Dr. Matt Gaston of the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute has been involved in Applied AI, machine learning and national security leadership for many years. The founding director of the SEI Emerging Technology Center, he was recently named the first director of the SEI’s AI Division. Among his positions prior to CMU, Dr. Gaston worked for 10 years at the National …

Underspecification Challenging Machine Learning Modeling 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  The three little bears strived to get it just right, and AI model builders strive to do the same thing when it comes to specifying their model. Underspecification is when you build a model that performs well on your data, but so do other models, which could lead to your model decaying over time.    The discussion of underspecification kicked off last fall when Google researchers published a paper on the subject, “Underspecification Presents …
